Meet the Team

Dr. Caelan Jones

About Me

Hello! My name is Caelan Jones and I am married to Chandler. We have 2 children, Russell and Eleanor plus a shih-tzu named Sherman. Chandler and I grew up just south of Charlotte in Lancaster County, SC and are excited to a part of this growing community!


I graduated from The University of South Carolina with my BLS in 2019. After receiving my bachelor’s degree, I went on to chiropractic school at Sherman College of Chiropractic and graduated with my Doctorate of Chiropractic 2023.

My Chiropractic Journey

My journey with chiropractic started while in high school. Like most people, I was initially a skeptic of chiropractic which had to do with my understanding of what chiropractic was and how it worked. It was during this time, my chiropractor, Dr. Jessica, explained to me the idea that the body was a self healing organism and that neurological function was at the root of it all. It really got me thinking about how I viewed my health. It wasn't until I was in my junior year of my undergraduate degree that I actually decided to go to chiropractic school.

While in chiropractic school, Chandler and I welcomed our first child, Russell. They say becoming a parent changes you, and they were right. Russell was the catalyst for me and my journey with becoming a pediatric chiropractor. I always planned to be a neurologically based family chiropractor. What I had learned in school about adjusting kids had me feeling like there was still some left on the table. That is what sent me to study Dr. Tony Ebel’s work and to get more training and education in pediatric adjusting. This led to me obtaining my Certificate of Proficiency in Pediatric and Family Chiropractic Care. Once I knew this information, I knew there was no going back. This one phrase became my call “Every Kid Counts’. Kids are sicker than ever. Childhood chronic diseases and conditions are running rampant through our community and if children are the future of tomorrow, then how does tomorrow look?

My mission grew into utilizing my gifts and skill set into helping the next generation live a life worth living. I truly believe every kid is a gift from God and they deserve to live their best life. They are capable of doing that with a properly functioning nervous system. My goal through Intention Chiropractic is to create a massive ripple in my community by using neurologically based chiropractic care to allow families to finally be able to get hope, answers, and healing that they have been searching for.

Chandler Jones

About Me

Hi! I am Chandler, wife of Dr. Caelan. We have two beautiful children that have been under chiropractic care since they were born. I am passionate about motherhood and all things chiropractic. We are so thankful to be a part of this community!

My Chiropractic Journey

My journey with chiropractic was influenced by Caelan (before he was Dr. Caelan). He started to go to the chiropractor before I did. When I would complain about getting low back pain, he mentioned that I should try it out to see if it would help. I was also skeptical at first, but once I started to see results, I knew that this was different in the best way possible.

I kept going and embarked on the journey with Caelan to chiropractic school soon after we were married. During school, we got pregnant with our first, Russell, and I made it my goal to have a unmedicated vaginal birth. Between chiropractic care, exercise, and having a well rounded diet, I did not experience those typical pregnancy symptoms of aches and pains. I was comfortable for the most part of pregnancy and really enjoyed it. Russell was always head down once we got closer to birth. I was able to get my first dream birth experience with him in a hospital setting!

Postpartum with Russell led to different struggles between breastfeeding and learning how to take care of a child. Russell had 3 sets of oral ties (tongue, lip, and cheek). We got his ties release and continued chiropractic care for the both of us to help with postpartum as well as latching/nursing. We went on to breastfeed for 2+ years!

After Caelan finished chiropractic school, we all continued to get adjusted regularly. I then got pregnant with our second, Eleanor. I again made it my goal to have a unmedicated vaginal birth. Even though my second pregnancy was different than my first, I kept most things the same. I kept getting adjusted, eating properly, and exercising. When labor started, Eleanor was in optimal position and ready to come. She was born very quickly at home with Caelan there to catch her. Knowing how fast the labor was, Caelan was able to get her adjusted a day later.

Postpartum this time around was different. I knew I had to take care of myself as much as I was taking care of a new baby. Postpartum adjustments helped me with my hormones and body as they were recovering.

I love being able to share my story with soon-to-be mamas and let them know how chiropractic impacted my life pre and post-natal. Also, how important it has been for our kids to get adjusted as they go through so many growth spurts and changes throughout their childhood.

Bonus Team stories

Russell Jones

About Me

Hi! This is Russell. He is the oldest child of Dr. Caelan and Chandler.

My Chiropractic Journey

Russell’s chiropractic journey started before he was born! Chandler (his mom) was adjusted throughout pregnancy while her body was growing and changing. As she got closer to her due date, she increased her frequency of getting adjusted to four to five times per week to prep herself for labor. The goal was to get Russell into optimal position for a smooth labor. When labor started on its on, Russell was in a occiput posterior (OP) position which did cause back labor. Chandler got adjusted twice during labor and did the Miles Circuit to help with Russell’s position. Chandler labored at home as long as possible and got to the hospital at 9cm dilated. She was able to have him unmedicated and in the position that helped him make his way down the birth canal. After 12 hours of labor, Russell was born!

After Russell was born, we found out that Russell had oral ties that was causing him to not be affective at breastfeeding. He had 3 sets of oral ties (tongue, lip, and cheek). We got his ties release and continued chiropractic care to help support our breastfeeding journey.

As Russell continued to grow, we kept getting him chiropractic care for support. Chiropractic care for Russell is dependent on the season he is in. Whether he is sick, going through big emotions, or just needs his weekly adjustments, we are always changing his frequency to match his needs.

If you ever see him at the office, please say hello! He has a very caring and outgoing personality!

Eleanor Jones

About Me

Hi! This is Eleanor. She is the youngest child of Dr. Caelan and Chandler.

My Chiropractic Journey

Eleanor’s chiropractic journey started the same as Russell’s, before she was born! Chandler continued to get adjusted before and during pregnancy with Eleanor. With it being Chandler’s second pregnancy, she knew that chiropractic adjustments were the best for her and her growing baby. Eleanor gave Chandler no issues with typical aches and pains during pregnancy. Eleanor was in the best position for labor and liked to be down low towards the end of pregnancy. Her labor and delivery was a lot faster than her brother’s being about 2 and half hours from the start of active labor to being born. She was born quickly at home with Dr. Caelan there to catch her! Eleanor’s birth and post birth care was amazing in the quietness in there home. Thankfully, we had no issues or concerns after Eleanor came. She brought in Chandler’s milk like a champ with no issues and was adjusted about 24 hours after she was born.

Eleanor has continued to thrive as she has hit many milestones. Having a big brother around has brought new obstacles (such as sickness), but we have been able to match her frequency when she is going through growth spurts, favoring one side during nursing sessions, or dealing with sickness.

Eleanor is more reserved than Russell, but loves to explore and find new things!